Tuesday 12 February 2013


I am super sorry guys, I'm on 'holiday' and I don't have any access to my laptop :( so I cant blog for at least a week. I will start blogging again on the 19th of March I promise!  love you all!


Tuesday 5 February 2013

Tips On Having Beautiful Hair

Hey, you may have noticed that this is my with day in a row bogging which is crazy I know! but what can I say? I just love bogging. This post about getting healthy hair, And here are my tips how :)

  • Foods full of protein. First of all lets ask ourselves, what is hair made of? Dead keratin (your nails are also made of of dead keratin) and protein. So if you have a diet without any protein in it then your hair isn't exactly going to turn out to look its best. So if your eating eggs, nuts, fish, beans and all this protein then that gives your body all the ingredients of healthy hair. And if you have excess protein, your body turns it into hair and nails and make them strong and healthy. You need to have healthy carbohydrates for protein and nutrients and have good fats like omega fatty acids and stuff but eating protein in that diet is amazing help to grow your hair out because protein is like all the ingredients of hair.
  • Wash your hair with cold water, hair has a cuticle and heat destroys that cuticle which is why heat styling your hair so so bad for it. So when your out of your shower or you've just washed your hair, you should always since your hair with cold water, because it does help to remove product out better but it also helps smooth out your cuticle. If your hair is damaged then your cuticle will have little flake coming off it, if you put cold water on it, it will smooth it out so its all sleek. and that helps to get rid of frizziness and helps it become more shiny looking and its just overall better for it.
  • OIL!! I cannot stress how important oil is for your hair! Their not really for your hair, its for your scalp. You see our hair is basically dead, it has no life like your nails. That's why we cut it it doesn't hurt. The reason we want a healthy scalp is because that's where our hair comes from. The oils basically stimulates your blood flow which make your scalp produce more healthier hair. You can use almost any kind of oil, like Peppermint oil, Coconut OilTea tree oilCinnamon oil, Lavender oil or even Olive oil (my personal favourite) All you do is damp your hair first (don't put ANYTHING in it otherwise it won't work) and just scrub the oil in the roots of your hair. It may itch afterwards for a while but try to avoid itching. After leaving it in for a few hours, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Your hair will smell like the oil you used after washing your hair again to I recommend to do this at night or a day when your not going anywhere.
  • Sulphate free shampoo. Sulphates tend to strip your hair of its beautiful natural oils, So non sulphate shampoo are the great to clean your hair but also to give and preserve the nutrients on your hair. Sulphate free shampoos can tricky to track down as most shampoo companies use it eve high end ones, because sulphate is inexpensive, it gets the job done and it cleans more or less. But any sulphate free shampoo would do as they are better for your hair than your average shampoo containing sulphate.
  • I'm sure you all know that after you shampoo, you condition. Why? because you want your hair to be soft and smooth. Well instead of using a conditioner try using a Hair Mask. All you do with a hair mask is, you put it in your hair and you leave it in for 30 minuets and then you since it out, its best for you to do it once or twice a week depending of the curliness of your hair. But. What you can do instead is replace this with your conditioner. So after you wash your hair with the sulphate free shampoo you use the hair mask like you would use the conditioner so run it through your hair and rinse it away. Even thought the hair mask isn't staying on for 30 minuets, it is still more beneficial you your hair than a regular conditioner. I guess it gives your hair that extra boost it needs.
So those are my little tips on having healthy hair, please comment below if you have any other tips :) Love you all


Sunday 3 February 2013

How To Achieve A Flat Stomach

Lots of people want to loose weight even if that means starving themselves but that's not the only way. I have some tips that will help you achieve a flat stomach, how ever this will only work if you have a small amount of fat/skin on top of you stomach. If you do have an excess amount of fat then follow these tips on top of some regular dieting and exercising because these tips will actually help make your stomach smaller making it smaller on the inside also not making you feel so hungry all the time which will help when dieting. If you just feel your stomach right now (No flexing!) how does it feel? If you have a bit of gushy/softness then that's all the fat surrounding your stomach, if its hard then that's the muscles and bones. What I have learnt is how to go from having the gushy stomach to the hard solid stomach and here's how :) 

  • Drink a glass of water before and after each meal. The reason to do this is because the size go your stomach is the fame size as your fist so if you fill about half of it up with water, then you are going to feel fuller since the water is filing up 50% of your stomachs capacity. After eating your food drink another glass of water just to flush through and start the digestion process earlier . If you do this for ever meal then that's six glasses of water and if you drink one glass between lunch and dinner and another glass before going to sleep then that's a total of six glasses of water which is the recommended amount of water to be consumed daily for an adult.
  • Don't eat three or four hours before sleeping. The reason behind this is quiet interesting because when your sleeping, your body is mainly focusing on digesting the food you ate during the day and burning off those calories, repairing yourself basically getting good quality sleep. If you eat before bed, your sleep will be deprived slightly but also your body is going to turn that food you just ate into glycogen which then gets stored in your liver and eventually gets stored as fat. If you don't eat you body will burn weight instead of gaining it which also means better sleep, and better sleep means better health and weight.
  • Avoid sugars, wheat's, whole grains and whites. Sugars and breads kinda are similar, they both get turned into really fast burning glycogen by your body. And if we don't exercise it off soon after consuming it then their going to straight as fat. And their going to cause insulin resistance and all this other stuff, insulin is what stores fat. If your insulin goes up then you get hungry, then it goes up again so its like a cycle. So avoid these sugars because they cause weight but also bloating! If you eat a small about of sugar, those sugars will gain water. Basically one small sugar molecule bonds with two molecules of water so its three times the weight and that can real cause bloating in out intestines making you look like you've gained weight when really its all water weight
  • Ab exercises! When we flex our stomachs, that's what we feel. Abs! and the tighter and stronger that is, its going to hold our food better. If we didn't have any abs what so ever and we just ate a huge meal, all that food is just going to poke out of our stomach and show, looking like you've gained a lot of weight which you didn't! So abs are kinda like a wall that keeps food behind it before is gets digested. You can do just about any ab exercises, try to do about 100-300 everyday if you can, if you never do any ab exercises start from 50, or 5! because 5 a day is better than none a day and you can slowly increase your intake and push you self more and more each day Here's a link for some ab workouts but my personal favourite is good old sit ups and climbing the stairs countless times. Also if you want you can wear ankle weights, which are like weights which you strap on to your ankles, you can wear them under you trousers so you can wear them all day and no one will notice and you'll be doing exercise all day because you have them on so I think their great!
  • Do not eat anything bigger than you fist. Your stomach is naturally the size of your fist when its clenched up. Think of your stomach as a rubber band, when we eat it gets bigger, when it digests all the food then it gets smaller, the we eat and so on. If you can program to eat a fistful amount of food every hour instead if three big meals a day, also your metabolism will be raised and on top of that your stomach won't be stretching out quiet as much so through your clothing, you won't be able to see all of that extra bulge.
  • EGGS! I LOVE EGGS! Eggs are a super food, the contain so much nutrients and protein its unbelievable. Some people say eggs have cholesterol which is true but its the good kind of cholesterol, the kind that is good for your body. I tend to have one boiled egg for my breakfast since if fills me up for quiet a long time and it gives me a great start to the day. You can have your egg boiled or poached (I think their the healthiest option to cook an egg) also their about the same size of your fist so that can count as one of the snacks you eat every hour. If your not a fan of eggs then this tip is optional.
So those are my tips to a flatter stomach, if you have any of your own then just post them below! I love learning about new thing :) hope this helps. Love you all

Saturday 2 February 2013

What Are Pores?

You may have heard about pores, and how their a bad thing and how horrible they look, but what are they really? Us humans have the same about of hair on our entire body as a primate, only the hair on us are thinner and shorter. For every hair on our body, we have one corresponding pore along with it. And  each adult has an average of 5 million hairs on their body. Now thats 5 million pores. most of them are tiny and almost invisible, depending on the thickness of the hair, but some of them are indeed visible.

Those little spots are the pores. When pores get clogged up, it creates a pile-up of oil and dead skin which causes bacteria to grow and that bacteria causes acne. To avoid this you should clean and since your face twice daily and now more than that, so you face regularly cleans out the dirt form the pores.

Let me know of any of your secret tips and tricks. Love you all


Friday 1 February 2013

Oily skin!

Hey so I don't know about you guys but I hate having oily skin. Because personally I think having only skin tends to look greasy, dirty and unattractive because of the excess sebum that lubricate the skin around the clock. The only good thing about it is that having oily skin ages slower than any other skin types so not bad huh? But still, thinking of the present I do have a few ways to get around it which really does work!

  • Wash, rinse or cleanse your face daily but not more than twice a day because washing it too much strips your face of skin and natural oils (good oils!) making it dry and week which is just as bad if not worse as having oily skin
  • Avoid alcohol based cleansers, especially if you have sensitive skin as sometimes they do tend to sting :(
  • Drink water! I know no one (That I know of) does this but your supposed to drink 8+ glasses of water a day! water is a miracle worker, it is unbelievably beneficial in all areas like oily skin.
  • Try to avoid eating oily and greasy foods with heated fat as it does aggravate the skin
  • Don't use any heavy make up. The heavier the make up the more clogged up your pores get which is something you do not want. Most of them contain Cholesterol, triglycerides, fatty acids and oils which are best to avoid!  
  • Instead use natural light make up products which promote on oily free skin

The only reason people get oily skin is because pores become blocked, because of dirt, too much dead skin, or stress, sebum (Which is the oil) quickly builds up under the surface of the skin. Since the pores get all clogged up their not getting any oxygen. Then small colonies of bacteria in skin follicles and start spreading feeding on the sebum. These are the bacteria which cause acne. If you do have acne then start doing this first to reduce the oil and clear the skin because that will make a difference 

If you do want something what will speed up the process then use this night moisturiser, It helps clear out your pores and give you more of a fresh look in the morning, it helps get rid of the bacteria which causes acne. It's called "Clinique Super Rescue Antioxidant Night Moisturiser" One bottle will last you 6 months (give or take a few weeks) The only thing is the price is a little steep, its £35 in boots however trust me it is worth it!

If your really not wanting to spend much then go for "Garnier Skin Naturals Pure Anti-Blackhead Deep Pore Wash" It is perfect to add to your daily regime It really helps unclog pores, get rid of black heads and impurities and also remove the bacteria which causes acne. And its only £2.65 per 150ml bottle, with is pretty great!

Hope this helps and if you have any questions what so ever then go ahead and start typing in the comments box also let me know of any tips that you have for oily skin or any products you'd suggest. Love you all



Hey so let me introduce myself. I'm Syeda (Sa-ee-da) I'm from scotland and i'm kinda obsessed with health and beauty blogs so I thought i'd make one myself :) I am pretty experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to these these things so why not share it with the world of bloggers? Each week I will blog about all sorts but if you want to ask me like anything then do not be shy, just ask away about anything :)